This note is for levels containing translucent objects or objects with complex materials, like skin translucency or particles. For those levels, I recommend you to use, from this product, a post-process material based on GBuffer color and rendered before translucency.
To do so you can create a material instance from one of the following materials: NK_M_CelToonOutlinePP_GBufferCol_BeforeTransl, NK_M_CelToonOutlinePP_3TransGBufferCol_BeforeTransl, or use an existing material instance provided by this product and its name contains: ‘GBufferCol’ and ‘BeforeTransl’.
The mentioned materials also work for simple levels.
Cel shading: able to choose between 2 or 3 shade transitions with customizable dark and light colors.
Outline: normal and depth outline. Color, thickness, and distance fading are customizable.
Ambient Occlusion: with customizable intensity.
The post processing nature of the material makes it applicable and tweak-able for any project. Just create your postProcess volume and apply your material instance to it.
Easy and intuitive to use:
Create your material instance, tweak a few parameters, and get an infinite amount of cel toon postProcess shader styles.
Intuitive parameters’ names:
No technical names, a parameter name tells exactly what a parameter does.
If the name is not enough, some parameters have descriptions, just hover over your parameter.
Base pass shader without light map: 33 instructions
Base pass vertex shader: 44 instructions
Version UE: 4.27 or higher
Size: 56.81 MB
Download Cel Toon Outline Post Process Material (UE):