Fabric made with Substance (UE)

Includes Fabric in the following categories:

Canvas, Corduroy, Cotton, Denim, Felt, Flannel, Fleece, Fur, Jersey, Lace, Leather, Linen, Shag pile, Synthetic, Terry Cloth, Velvet and Wool.

Adjust texture resolution in Unreal with the flick of a slider. Adjust your Textures with 10+ easy to use graph parameters directly in the Substance Graph in Unreal. Mix fabric with non fabric surfaces in the one texture set in Substance Painter. The library features well organised and easy to use Material Instances all based on a single Master Material.

PLEASE NOTE: This pack is fully functional in Unreal without a Substance subscription. Editing the supplied external source files (sbs & sbsar) requires a valid Substance license.

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