The Sketch Shader can create many different looks, with animated boiling effects and the ability to change texture projection types. Masking out characters and assets and applying separate shader effects is perfect for animation and games.
- Control thickness, color, texture , projection methods of outlines, lines off the surface of the models and inner lines of a model independently
- Distance fade controls for lines independently, including the background fade and mixing with outlines
- Mask assets independently using 9 custom stencils to get unique looks across characters and assets separate to the mains post process material.
- Animation controls for lines and shadow/highlight textures, for boiling effect
- Unlit settings for toon look
- A master material for assets, for a World Position offset animation boiling effect.
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances:
1 post process material
1 master object Material
8 material functions
11 post-process Material Instances
29 asset material instances for demo scenes
20 Demo static mesh assets for demo scenes
1 overview Level
3 demo scene Levels
1 Material Parameter Collection to control object boiling
Version UE: 5.2 and more
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