Create your own RTS Unit with the RTSUnitTemplate-Plugin, which is written in C++.
If RTSUnitTemplate is installed, the Classes can be used as Parent Class in Blueprint, so all functions from this Class are available in Blueprint. Just use one of the Following Classes as Parent Class and or just choose them in your GameMode Blueprint. Category = RTSUnitTemplate / TopDownRTSCamLib
Features: (C++ ParentClasses)
- CameraBase
- UnitBase
- UnitControllerBase
- ControllerBase
- CameraControllerBase
- AI-Controller for Meele/Range/Healer/Worker
- HUDBase
- PathProviderHUD
- DijkstraCenter
- NoPathfindingArea
- UnitBaseHealthBar
- Projectile
- SelectedIcon
- Waypoint
Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))
- RTSUnitTemplate [Runtime]
- Core, CoreUObject, Engine, InputCore
- HeadMountedDisplay, NavigationSystem
- AIModule
Number of Blueprints: 24+ (Most times Based on C++ Class, used for Example)
Number of C++ Classes: 10
Network Replicated: Yess
Supported Development Platforms: Tested in Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Tested in Windows
Example Project:
Open Source:
Version UE: 5.5
Size: 5.32 GB
Download RTS/RPG Unit Template – Multiplayer – Gameplay Ability System v5.0.1 (UE 5.5):